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Dear 2021, Thank You!

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

Dear 2021, thank you!

This year stretched, challenged, and rewarded me in so many ways. Despite all, 2021 was a great year and I choose to remain in gratitude as we transition into a new year! As I reflect, these 7 things stand out most:

Therapy- I started therapy which helped me to learn the importance of my voice, setting boundaries, and having realistic expectations of myself and others. I’ve learned that I matter, my voice in relationships matter, and I am free to be myself in every situation.

Obedience & Faith- I made the biggest move of my life by selling my home and moving to Chicago! It got stressful at times, but I now know that Chicago is where God wanted me all along. The waiting, uncertainty, and expectancy was all worth it. Chicago is my home and I love it here!

Rest and Grace- I stopped letting the expectations of others dictate my pace and decisions. The pressure I put on myself stemmed from unrealistic timelines, outcomes, and comparisons, which created unnecessary mental stress. Once I let go and allowed myself to slow down and breathe, I began to be more productive with less stress and more clarity. I now value rest in a much better way and I give myself as much grace as I give others.

Letting Go- I let go of past traumas, insecurities, and things put on me by other people throughout my life. Old mindsets and habits were exposed, and I took time to understand where and when they started. I processed old feelings and released them from my heart. It was tough but I needed a good soul cleanse to prepare me for next.

Prayer- This year I went deeper in prayer and my relationship with God. I had gotten to a place where my schedule was so busy that I wasn’t spending as much time with God as I wanted. So, I intentionally began to make time and space for prayer and studying the Word, specifically in the morning. It has made such a difference in my life, and I am so grateful to God for His goodness and faithfulness. Even when I only had 5 minutes, He met me. It is beautiful to know that God will meet us where we are if we invite Him in.

Support- The biggest thing for me this year, outside of my move to Chicago, was the strength of my support system. My family and friends showed up and out for me every step of the way! I am so grateful for each of you. The fact that they stood with me in prayer and support from the first day I told them about the move until now has been mind-blowing. I love each of you sooooo much! I know I say it a lot, but I really mean it. I am blessed to have each you in my life and I pray God blesses you way more than He has blessed me.

Business- Lastly, I am happy to announce that I’ve been building my new business, Always Written. My passion for writing and journaling has grown so much over the past 2 years that I am grateful for the opportunity share it with the world. Always Written is a writing consulting agency that focuses on editing and proofreading various documents including résumés and cover letters. Always Written also features my blog, Toya’s Story, which I am super excited about! It’s time to tell my side of the story in life, love, faith, travel, and so much more. You are reading it right now! More blog posts are coming soon!

2022, I’m ready!

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